I want to know how can I bold the current position item in recycler view
How to bold the text of current selected item in recycler view
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TechnifyIndia Did not quite understand. But in Sketchub are these formats: Discord. https://support.discord.com/hc/pt-br/articles/210298617-No%C3%A7%C3%B5es-b%C3%A1sicas-de-marca%C3%A7%C3%A3o-de-texto-Formata%C3%A7%C3%A3o-do-chat-negrito-it%C3%A1lico-e-sublinhado-
When working on bolding the text of the currently selected item in a RecyclerView, understanding how to manipulate text styles programmatically is key. If you're also interested in unique text manipulation techniques, check out texto invisible. It offers tools for creating hidden or invisible text, which can be helpful in various development scenarios.
Cucurbit melon could be very candy, no matter it's far stir-fried or rolled, it is also a vegetable with zero failure. Whilst you need to boil the soup, don’t think that you can upload all of the elements to the boiling water and cook. In fact, you only want to do one step earlier than including water, and the soup will have a totally exceptional flavor.
Learn how to bold the text of the currently selected item in a RecyclerView with ease! Visit Randy Goodwin for a detailed guide, code examples, and practical tips to enhance your Android app's UI functionality.