Before we give you the email address of the account that you are trying to recover, we would just like to confirm that it really is you (the account owner) who is requesting the email address. To confirm your request, please do one of the following:
You have 2 Sketchub accounts...
- Reply with the first 4 letters of your other Sketchub account's email address.
- Send us an email at with your other Sketchub account's email address.
If you don't have access to your other account which was used to sign into Sketchub, then please follow the steps below:
- Join the Sketchub Discord Server.
- Open a private ticket.
- State your Sketchub password for the email account that you are trying to recover.
We will verify if the password you sent matches with the current password of your Sketchub account and if the password was correct, the email address will be given to you in the private ticket. I suggest that you change your Sketchub password immediately after you get access to your account.
Sorry for the inconveniences this may cause. We just want to prevent account hijacking by unauthorized users.