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What is "Verified" badge on user profiles?
A verified badge is provided to some profiles, which means they have not made any intentional policy violations and most of his /her projects have fullfilled helping the community (For example, Atleast 20 likes on most of the projects)
How can I get verified badge on Sketchub?
Since the Sketchub is small userbase platform, we are manually providing badges. As mentioned in previous para, if most of your projects have fullfilled helping the community, you might be eligible for the "Verified" badge if:
- Your profile have more than 5 projects with +20 likes each (i.e. 100 likes + 1000 downloads in total).
- The account must not be violating any term in last 3 months or already has received verified badge on another account.
If your account is eligible, our server will automatically detect your account and provide verified badges.